15.3. Chat Functions

You can also access the chat features via some Perl functions of the chat plugin. Here is a list of these functions:

chat::call(host, [port])

Tries connection to host, on port port (or 4050, if not specified), using the MudMaster protocol.

chat::zcall(host, [port])

Tries connection to host, on port port (or 4050, if not specified), using the zChat protocol.


Starts listening for chat connections on the given port (or 4050 if not specified).


Stops listening for chat connections.


Sets the nickname used in chat sessions.


Sets the color used in chat sessions. code is a color code as recognized by the colorize function

chat::chat(name, text)

Sends text to name.

chat::emote(name, text)

Sends text as an emote to name.


Sends text to all chat connections.


Sends text as an emote to all chat connections.

chat::group(name, group)

Makes the chat connection with name a member of the group group.

chat::chatgroup(group, text)

Sends text to all connections that are members of the group group.

chat::emotegroup(group, text)

Sends text as an emote to all connections that are members of the group group.


Pings the other peer. If the connection is alive, they will reply to this request. Additionally, the time for the reply to be received is displayed.

chat::sendfile(name, [file])

Attemps to send a file to the peer. If you do not specify the file, a dialog will be displayed for you to select the file to send. The file will be offered. If they accept, the file transfer will start.


Stops the file transfer currently in progress.


Asks name if you can snoop them, that is, see everything they see in their MUD session. If they accept, everything they see will be sent to you and displayed.

chat::setallowsnoop(name, value)

Sets whether name can snoop you, that is, wheter they can see everything you see in your MUD session, according to value. By default snooping is disabled.


Shows some information about the chat session.

chat::setstripansi(name, value)

Sets whether to trip ANSI color codes in messages received from name, according to value. If they are, colors sent by the peer will not be displayed, and that even incoming messages will be displayed in your chat color.


Stops the chat session with name. You will need to connect again to continue talking.